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Discover, learn, and adapt with Killis
In 2023, we opened the doors to our highly anticipated brand-new showroom and celebrated with our customers, suppliers... and some proper tasty pies, in a very successful open day.
We're thrilled to announce our Open Day for the third year in a row will be held on Thursday 7th, November. This year, we have exciting news to share with exclusive new brand launches that you won't want to miss.
No matter which industry you represent, we extend a warm invitation to explore the latest cleaning solutions at our event. Secure your spot today and be part of this extraordinary showcase!

Distributor Day
Distributors Day: 6th November

How does the open day work?You will need to book a slot to attend, either AM or PM. You will be guided through our showroom, and will be introduced to machinery and equipment with hands on demos. Your guide will be able to answer your questions along the way and support you with any specific cleaning problems. Refreshments will be provided.
How many people can I bring?You can only bring the amount of people you have registered for. We have strict capacity limits we must adhere to. If you need to bring more people than your registration allows (10), please place an additional booking. We appreciate your support in this matter.
Where is the Open Day being held?The open day is being hosted at our main site in Sheffield. Our address is: KILLIS LTD, Orgreave Road, Dore House Industrial Estate, Sheffield S13 9LQ. Click here for a handy link to our location on Google Maps
Is this free to attend?Yes. It is a free event, we do not ask for payment for entry. All we need you to do is book an AM or PM slot. We need to ensure health and safety at all time as we have capacity limits.
Can I just turn up on the day?No. Unfortunately we only have certain capacity at any one time in our showroom. Please book a convenient time slot for entry.
Where can I park?There is limited on-site parking around our building. Please only park in a marked bay and do not block any fire exits or lorryway access. This is a working warehouse and business so please be aware of our speed limits, and you may need to yield for lorries and forklift trucks. On arrival, if you cannot find a spot to park, please utilise the on street parking around the industrial estate.
Can I take machines or stock away on the day?If we have it prepped and ready to go, and you have appropriate transport, then yes! We can help you load. We can also arrange delivery for large and bulky items. Shipping cost may be incurred, please ask at the time of purchase.
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